Can a Veteran Receive both VA and SSDI?

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Disabled veterans can receive both VA and SSDI benefits.  In fact, it is common for veterans to apply for both SSDI and VA disability benefits.  However, some veterans receive VA disability benefits before applying for SSDI.  

What is SSDI?

Social Security disability insurance benefits or SSDI require that you have worked and earned enough work credits.  You receive work credits each year that you work and pay taxes.  Generally, you need to earn a total of 20 work credits to qualify for SSDI.  Additionally, you must meet a recent work test.  Like other insurance programs, SSDI coverage ends after a certain amount of time from when you stop working.  SSDI also requires that your medical conditions keep you from working for at least 12 months. Call us now if you are a Veteran and Want to Receive both VA and SSDI.

What is the difference between VA and SSDI?

Social Security doesn’t offer partial disability benefits.  Your medical conditions must prevent you from working on a full-time basis.  Unlike SSDI, VA disability benefits don’t require total disability.  Veterans receive compensation rates based on the degree of your disability.  The compensation rates range from 10-100%, in 10% increments.  Call us now if you are a Veteran and Want to Receive both VA and SSDI.

SSDI expedited processing for veterans to receive both VA and SSDI.

Veterans may qualify for expedited processing for Social Security disability claims.  You may receive expedited processing under:

  • 100% Permanent and Total Veterans Initiative – you should identify yourself as a “Veteran rated 100% P&T” when filing your SSDI or SSI application.  You also should provide the VA rating notification letter to Social Security
  • Wounded Warriors – if you received disabling mental or physical health injuries while on active duty on or after October 1, 2001, you are eligible for SSDI or SSI expedited application processing.  You don’t need to have been injured during combat operations.  You should tell Social Security that your injury occurred while on active duty.  

What are the medical requirements for SSDI?

First, Social Security considers whether your medical conditions fall under their listing of impairments, known as the Blue Book.  Typically, the Blue Book requires that your medical conditions meet very specific requirements.  If you don’t meet the listings, Social Security considers your residual functional capacity or RFC.  An RFC includes both physical and mental limitations.  Social Security looks at your medical evidence to determine your RFC.  They can also consider the opinions of your doctors.  Call us now if you are a Veteran and Want to Receive both VA and SSDI.

What medical evidence do veterans need for SSDI?

Your medical evidence should include records only for the period of time that you became disabled and unable to work.  Your treatment should also be continuous and ongoing.  The VA and Department of Defense (DOD) share medical records electronically with Social Security.  Social Security also considers any treatment veterans receive from civilian doctors.  Medical evidence can include:

  • Treatment notes and physical examinations
  • Imaging such as MRIs, x-rays, CT scans or nerve testing
  • Blood work or biopsy results
  • Pulmonary tests
  • Mental health records

SSDI “Grid Rules” 

Social Security has special disability rules the older you are.  They look at a chart known as the Medical-Vocational guidelines to evaluate your claim called the “grid rules.”  The grid rules make it easier for older people to win their case.  Social Security considers your age, education and work background.  The older you are, the easier it can be to win your case.  Call us now if you are a Veteran and Want to Receive both VA and SSDI.

Example 1:  applying the grid rules for veterans over age 50

For example, John, a 53 year old veteran, applied for disability due to arthritis in his knees.  John underwent a total knee replacement but continued to have pain and swelling in both knees.  He previously worked in a factory.  John received most of his treatment at the VA hospital.  His medical records included MRIs and x-rays of his knees.  His doctors also documented that he required the use of a cane due to his symptoms.  Social Security found that he could not return to work in the factory.  Since he is over the age of 50, the grid rules allow Social Security to approve his claim.

Example 2:  applying the grid rules for veterans over age 55

As another example, Chris, a 58 year old veteran, applied for disability due to a right shoulder impairment and degenerative disc disease in his spine.  Chris previously worked as a truck driver.  However, he was unable to load and unload the trucks due to his pain symptoms.  Chris received treatment from both the VA hospital and civilian doctors.  His medical records documented his pain symptoms and limited motion in his shoulder and back.  Social Security found that he could not return to work as a truck driver.  Since Chris is over the age of 55 and he could not return to his past work, Social Security approved his claim.  

Working disabled veterans can receive both VA and SSDI.

If you are currently working, you may not qualify for SSDI.  Social Security considers work earnings over a certain amount “substantial gainful activity” or SGA.  If you earn over the SGA limit, you will not qualify for SSDI.  In 2020, earnings S1, 260 per month or (before taxes) are considered SGA. Although, if you are working part-time and earning less than SGA, you may still qualify for SSDI.  However, any work may make it harder for Social Security to approve your claim.  Call us now if you are a Veteran and Want to Receive both VA and SSDI

Does active duty affect eligibility for SSDI?

Active duty status or receipt of military pay doesn’t necessarily keep you from receiving SSDI.  Social Security evaluates your work activity to figure out your eligibility.  You can apply while in a rehabilitation program or attending outpatient programs.  It doesn’t matter whether your treatment is in a VA hospital or civilian facility.   If you are on limited duty or working in a designated therapy program, you should definitely apply for SSDI.  

Does getting approved for Veterans VA benefits help receive SSDI?

Unfortunately, the answer is no.  The VA and Social Security have completely separate processes and requirements for approving claims.   However, Social Security will consider any evidence the VA used when looking at your claim.  Similarly, the VA is required to consider Social Security records.  Call us now if you are a Veteran and Want to Receive both VA and SSDI

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How Can I Get TDIU?

How Can I Get TDIU?

Many veterans are unable to earn a living because of service-connected disabilities. Congress created a special benefit called TDIU to help these veterans live comfortably. Also known as Unemployability. TDIU pays the same monthly amount as a 100% disability rating.