How Can I Get TDIU?
Many veterans are unable to earn a living because of service-connected disabilities. Congress created a special benefit called TDIU to help these veterans live comfortably. Also known as Unemployability. TDIU pays the same monthly amount as a 100% disability rating.

Can I Get SSDI for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)?
Can I Get SSDI for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)? Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) isn’t listed in the Social Security Blue Book. That means there’s no specific listing of symptoms or test results that qualifies a person with IBS for Social Security disability...

Watch Out for Social Security Disability Scams: How to Protect Yourself
Watch Out for Social Security Disability Scams: How to Protect Yourself By: Jennifer HC Walker, Senior Disability Advocate If you're applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) or have already submitted a claim, it’s important to be aware of scams that may target...

Can I Get VA Disability Benefits for Lupus?
Can I Get VA Disability Benefits for Lupus? “Lupus” is generally used as a shorthand for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). There are other forms of this condition, including three types of lupus of the skin, a type of lupus that is triggered by certain prescription...

Does Kidney Disease Qualify Me for SSDI?
Does Kidney Disease Qualify Me for SSDI? Kidney disease, like most other medical conditions, may or may not qualify a person for Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits. To qualify for SSDI benefits, an applicant must: Have accrued sufficient work credits to...

Can I Get Disability for Cerebral Palsy?
Can I Get Disability for Cerebral Palsy? The symptoms of cerebral palsy vary in type and severity. That means some people who suffer from cerebral palsy will qualify for Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits and some will not. This post provides general...

Do My Migraines Qualify Me for Disability Benefits?
Do My Migraines Qualify Me for Disability Benefits? If you suffer from migraines, you know how debilitating they can be. While people unfamiliar with migraines may think of them as “just a headache,” migraine sufferers may experience symptoms such as: Severe,...

Does Hashimoto’s Disease Qualify for Disability Benefits?
Does Hashimoto’s Disease Qualify for Disability Benefits? Any medical condition that prevents a person from engaging in substantial gainful activity for at least a year can potentially qualify for Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits. Hashimoto’s disease...

Will Having Hepatitis C Qualify Me for Disability?
Will Having Hepatitis C Qualify Me for Disability? Simply having a hepatitis C diagnosis won’t qualify you for Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits. However, some people do qualify for SSDI due to hepatitis C. Whether or not you are eligible for SSDI for...

Updates On The Social Security Fairness Act 2025
Updates On The Social Security Fairness Act 2025 If you're a retired teacher, firefighter, police officer, or someone with a public pension, you may have heard about the new Social Security Fairness Act. While the law promises to increase benefits for millions, it...

Can I Get Disability for Being Blind?
Can I Get Disability for Being Blind? Like most medical conditions, blindness or loss of vision may or may not qualify a person for Social Security disability (SSD). The Social Security Blue Book contains multiple listings relating to visual impairment, and people who...

Can I Lose My Disability Benefits?
Can I Lose My Disability Benefits? When your Social Security disability (SSD) benefits were approved, you probably breathed a big sigh of relief. Many people who are approved for SSD continue to receive those benefits until they reach full retirement age. Then, they...

Social Security’s union employees secure a telework deal through 2029
Social Security’s union employees secure a telework deal through 2029 Written by: Scott Layden, DHG Senior Disability Advocate Outgoing Social Security Commissioner Martin O’Malley negotiated an updated contract with Social Security employees who are...

Putting Your Medical Providers To Work For You
ADVOCATE SPOTLIGHT: Putting Your Medical Providers To Work For You Written by: Jennifer HC Walker, DHG Senior Disability Advocate Welcome to the Advocate Spotlight. My name is Jennifer HC Walker. I am a licensed attorney in both Florida and New Jersey and I have...

Can I Get SSD Benefits for My Blood Disorder?
Can I Get SSD Benefits for My Blood Disorder? Blood performs essential functions in your body, from carrying oxygen to organs and muscles to carrying wastes out of the body. Blood even helps your body fight off infection. So, it should come as no surprise that a blood...

Are There SSD Benefits Available for Asperger’s Syndrome?
Are There SSD Benefits Available for Asperger’s Syndrome? Like most other conditions, Asperger’s syndrome varies in severity and specifics. So, not everyone who is diagnosed with Asperger’s qualifies for Social Security disability (SSD). However, Asperger’s syndrome...
Social Security Fairness Act
Social Security Fairness Act Recent Updates To The Social Security Fairness Act: January...
Best Tips When Appealing Your Denied Disability Claim
Best Tips When Appealing Your Denied Disability Claim Social Security disability (SSDI)...
How to Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits
How to Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits Social Security disability (SSDI)...
Adam Neidenberg Social Security Disability Expert
Adam Neidenberg is a SSD Expert that has represented thousands of Social Security...
Adam Neidenberg Disability Help Group
Adam Neidenberg is co-founder of Disability Help Group. He has been litigating claims...
How Can I Get TDIU?
What Is TDIU? Many veterans are unable to earn a living because of service-connected...
Updates On The Social Security Fairness Act 2025
Updates On The Social Security Fairness Act 2025 If you're a retired teacher,...
Can I Get Disability for Being Blind?
Can I Get Disability for Being Blind? Like most medical conditions, blindness or loss of...
Can I Lose My Disability Benefits?
Can I Lose My Disability Benefits? When your Social Security disability (SSD) benefits...