Social Security has two types of benefits for disabled people. The first is for people who have worked for a certain number of years. These are disability insurance benefits or SSDI benefits. The second is a needs-based benefit. It is for people who meet certain financial requirements. These are Supplemental Security Income or SSI benefits.
Social Security Disability Interview Questions
First, your medical conditions must keep you from working. Second, you must be unable to work for at least twelve months. To file, you must provide certain information.
What Happens During the Social Security Disability Interview?
The claims representative asks you a series of questions. Your interview can take place in person or over the telephone. It generally lasts for about an hour.
Call Disability Help Group, We Can Complete Your Interview.
Specifically, a claims representative will ask you:
- Your current name and any past names you have used
- Your social security number
- About your education
- Names and dates of birth of your children under the age of 18 and your spouse
- Dates of marriages and divorces
- Bank information for Direct Deposit
- An alternate contact person in case they can’t reach you
- Worker’s compensation information, if applicable
In addition, you must provide your work history. Only the last 15 years are important.
This work history should include:
- Last worked Date
- The name of your previous employers
- Your job title
- The dates that you approximately worked for each employer
Your medical information should include:
- All of your medical conditions
- Your doctor’s information
- Emergency Room or Hospitalizations
- A list of your medications
Naturally, disability applications require a lot of information. It is best to get this information before your interview. Social Security may send you a form to fill out before your interview. This form helps you put the information together. In any case, it is always best to write this information out clearly.
Applying For SSI? You May Be Asked Additional Questions
These questions could include:
- Where you live and who lives with you
- Your household expenses
- All sources of income for you and your spouse
- The amount of your resources
Be Prepared With Documentation
You will also have to provide Social Security with some documents. These are in addition to the information you have given.
The documents include:
- Birth certificate
- A government-issued picture ID
- A medical release Form SSA-827 (Authorization to Disclose Information to the Social Security Administration)
Why You Should Be Prepared
The Social Security disability interview process is crucial to your application. Therefore, providing complete information gives you a better chance of winning your case. Also, you can avoid problems or delays in your application. Missing information can often lead to being denied.

Getting Help with Your Claim
The process for applying for SSDI or SSI can be overwhelming. Hiring an experienced SSDI disability advocate can improve your chances of a successful claim.
An SSDI advocate can:
- Help you prepare for your interview
- Understand the Social Security disability process
- Keep in contact with Social Security to make sure your claim is moving forward
Make sure you start your claim the right way and apply for all the benefits you deserve. Contact us now for a free consultation.
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