Securing SSD Benefits For Cancer

A Top Ten Disability Group in the U.S.

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Securing SSD Benefits for Cancer

The Social Security Blue Book includes numerous types of cancers as listed conditions. Each of the different type listed has its own specific criteria. But it’s also possible to receive SSD benefits for cancers that aren’t listed, or when your type is listed but you don’t meet the listed criteria. It’s also possible to have an active diagnosis and not qualify for SSD because you don’t meet the Social Security Administration (SSA) definition of “disabled.” 

The best way to find out whether you may be qualified for SSD and how to submit the strongest application possible is to talk to an experienced disability benefits advocate. 

Cancer Claims are Similar to Other Types of SSD Claims

While the Blue Book lists criteria for many specific conditions, including many specific types of cancer, the underlying eligibility requirements for SSD are the same for everyone.

To receive SSD benefits for any condition, you must show that: 

  • You have accrued sufficient Social Security work credits to be eligible for disability,
  • Your medical condition renders you unable to engage in substantial gainful activity, and
  • Your disability has lasted or is expected to last for at least 12 months or to be terminal

Like most other types of SSD claims, cancer-related claims rely heavily on medical evidence.

Some types of evidence that may be required to establish an SSD claim for cancer include: 

  • Diagnostic records
  • Treatment records
  • Blood tests, scans, and other test results
  • Doctors’ notes

It can be difficult to know what information is necessary to support your SSD application. You may find that additional testing or exams are required to establish your claim. On the other hand, a records dump can be counterproductive. An experienced disability benefits advocate can help you put together the strongest documentation possible without overwhelming the reviewer. 

Expedited SSD Processing

The SSA maintains a list of conditions that may qualify an SSD applicant for “compassionate allowance.” That list includes several types of cancer. The compassionate allowances program aims to identify certain types of claims and deliver a quicker decision, which can mean benefits are received sooner.

Supporting Cancer Patients Seeking SSD Benefits

Our advocates know how daunting the SSD application process can be. We also understand that the added stress is the last thing you need if you’re fighting cancer or managing another debilitating medical condition. We’ve developed an in-depth knowledge of the SSD application and appeals processes so you don’t have to. To learn more about how we can help, call us today at 800-800-3332 or fill out our contact form here.

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How Can I Get TDIU?

How Can I Get TDIU?

Many veterans are unable to earn a living because of service-connected disabilities. Congress created a special benefit called TDIU to help these veterans live comfortably. Also known as Unemployability. TDIU pays the same monthly amount as a 100% disability rating.