If you’ve been denied Social Security disability benefits, you’re in good company. Most people who apply for SSDI are denied at first. Fortunately, a great many of those who stick it out and pursue the appeals process are ultimately approved.
The question of how many times you can go through the appeals process is a bit misleading, as it seems to suggest that you can repeat the process. In fact, there are multiple opportunities within the process, but you only get one chance at each. Here’s how the process goes.
Social Security Disability Appeals Process:
When you’ve been denied SSDI benefits, you can take the following steps:
Request reconsideration – this is a review of your application and supporting documents by the same section that initially denied your claim. A different decision-maker makes the determination, and you can submit additional information.
Request a hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ) – if your claim is still denied on reconsideration, you can request a hearing. This is a more fully-developed appeal, where you can present witnesses and additional medical information to the decision-maker.
Request review by the Appeals Council – if the ALJ finds against you, you may request Appeals Council review. However, a Council hearing isn’t guaranteed. Only a small percentage of requests are scheduled for a hearing.
File a petition in federal district court – once you’ve exhausted every administrative possibility, you can file a civil suit in federal district court. This is the final step for most applicants whose claims have not been approved at an earlier stage.
Appeal the federal district court’s decision – some applicants who lose in federal court can file an appeal. However, this process requires specific grounds, and this option isn’t available to everyone.
So, in short, there are five possible stages of appeal after an SSDI denial. However, the ALJ hearing has the highest approval rate. That means most applicants never reach the later stages.
An applicant who has been denied disability benefits can apply all over again. Whether or not that is a good idea depends on a variety of factors, including the reason for the denial, how far you got in the appeals process, how much time has passed, and whether there have been changes in your medical condition since you last submitted information to the SSA in connection with your disability claim. Generally, it is better to continue along the appeals process than to reapply, for a variety of reasons. So, it’s essential to talk to a Social Security disability advocate to determine the best avenue to take.
To learn more about how Disability Help Group can help you, contact us or call (800) 800-2009 right now.
Most Common Conditions that Qualify for Long-Term Disability Benefits
The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides only long-term disability benefits. That means that the disabling condition must either have lasted or be expected to last for at least one year or to be expected to end in death. SSA provides a listing of disabling conditions and the criteria someone suffering from those conditions must meet in order to qualify for Social Security disability (SSDI) in the Social Security Blue Book.
The Blue Book isn’t a complete listing of medical conditions that may qualify a person for SSDI, though. You may be eligible for disability benefits based on a combination of conditions. And, some conditions are far more common among SSDI recipients than others.
The Five Most Common Conditions Leading to SSDI Awards
According to the SSA, the most common conditions leading to a Social Security disability benefits award in 2021 were:
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue disorders (36.2%)
Neoplasms, or abnormal masses of tissue, which may or may not be cancerous (12.6%)
Mental disorders (12.1%)
Circulatory system issues (10.9%)
Diseases of the nervous system and sense organs (9.4%)
Within each category, some disorders are far more common than others. For instance, though the Blue Book lists several mental disorders, depression, bipolar disorder and related conditions made up more than ⅓ of mental disorder awards in 2021.
Just 18.8% of disabled worker awards in 2021 fell outside the five categories listed above. This balance has shifted over time. For example, in 1996, just 20.6% of those receiving SSDI benefits were receiving benefits for musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders. Across the next 25 years, that share increased from about ⅕ to more than ⅓.
What if My Condition Doesn’t Fall Into One of These Categories?
First, don’t worry! 18.8% seems like a small share for all other medical conditions, but in 2021 that 18.8% amounted to more than 100,000 disabled workers receiving new Social Security disability benefits awards. It’s also possible that your condition does fall into one of the most common categories and you just don’t recognize its technical classification. For example, before reading this post you may not have realized that cancer would be classified as “neoplasms.” Whether you are uncertain about qualifying for disability benefits or have applied for SSDI and been denied, Disability Help Group is here for you. To learn more about how we can help, call (800) 800-3332 right now, or fill out the contact form on this site.
Understanding Why Your Social Security Disability Claim Has Been Denied
Most Social Security disability (SSDI) claims are denied at first. The good news is that many claims that are initially denied are approved later, most often at the hearing stage. To give yourself the best chance of having your disability claim approved on reconsideration or appeal, it’s important to understand what went wrong with the initial application.
Some denials are easy to understand, and you can skip right to determining whether there is a way to fix the problem. For example:
Your denial notice may say that you don’t have enough Social Security work credits to qualify for disability benefits. In that case, you’ll want to carefully check the records against your actual work history to see if anything is missing. If you think the Social Security Administration (SSA) got it wrong, an experienced disability advocate can help you sort out the issue.
Your denial notice may say that you are earning too much money to qualify for benefits. Since many conditions worsen over time and it can take months to receive an initial determination, your ability to work may have been further compromised by the time you receive your denial.
Some denials aren’t quite so easy to understand. In part, that’s because of technical medical and legal jargon. But, it’s also partly because the most important question isn’t “Why did the SSA say I’m not eligible?” but “What about my application made the SSA conclude that I’m not eligible and what can I do about it?” An experienced disability benefits advocate can be a big help in answering that second question.
Determining What Your Disability Claim Denial Really Means
Imagine that the SSA sends you a notice saying that they recognize that you can no longer perform your previous job because of your medical condition. However, they have concluded that there are still other jobs you can do. So, you don’t qualify for Social Security disability benefits.
One explanation for that type of disability claim denial notice is that it’s true. For example, maybe you have limited mobility and that prevents you from going back into construction work. But, your work and educational history indicate that you would still be able to perform a number of other jobs that you’re still capable of doing with your medical condition.
Sometimes, though, the SSA mistakenly reaches that conclusion because you didn’t provide enough information, or your medical records weren’t specific enough. In that case, you may succeed in securing benefits at the reconsideration or appeal stage–but only if you know what to do differently as you move forward. That’s where Disability Help Group comes in. Our experienced advocates understand how Social Security disability claim denials work, and what type of supplemental information is likely to be helpful in overcoming that denial. If you’ve been denied SSDI, contact us now to learn more about how we can help. Call (800) 800-3332, or fill out our contact form.
How Long Will My Social Security Disability Appeal Take?
When you visit the Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) website, you’ll find an estimate that it will take three to six months to receive a determination on your Social Security disability (SSDI) application. That’s true, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. Most SSDI claims are denied at the initial application stage. So, the amount of time that passes before the initial determination may be much shorter than the amount of time that passes before you actually receive Social Security disability benefits.
Appealing a Social Security Disability Denial
In most states, the first step after receiving a Social Security disability (SSDI ) denial is to file a request for reconsideration. This is typically the quickest step in the process. Still, you have up to 60 days to submit the request, and it can take another one to three months to receive a decision. Add the time to submit your request and the time waiting for a decision to the time you waited for an initial decision and you could be nine months or even a year out from your initial application when you receive a ruling on your request for reconsideration.
Unfortunately, the success rate at the reconsideration stage is quite low. So, most applicants will have to move on to requesting a hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ).
Getting to the ALJ Hearing
The ALJ hearing is the stage where the highest percentage of claims are approved. But, it takes time to get there. Exactly how long it takes to get a hearing before an administrative law judge varies by location.
According to SSA data from October of 2022, the shortest average wait times in the country were about eight months. More than 60% of locations have an average wait time of at least one year, and about a dozen locations around the country have average wait times of 18-24 months.
In other words, depending on where you are and other factors, your ALJ hearing may take place between about 18 months and three years of your initial application. After the hearing, you may get a decision in as little as a few weeks. Or, it may take a few months.
Is There a Way to Speed Up the SSDI Appeals Process?
There’s no way to shortcut the process, but you can keep your application moving as efficiently as possible by ensuring that you:
Provide a complete and accurate application and all necessary documentation
Make sure you submit your request for reconsideration and appeal promptly
Provide all necessary information, including updating medical information, at each stage
An experienced disability benefits advocate can help ensure that you’re giving yourself the best opportunity for an efficient approval. To learn more, contact us here or call (800) 800-3332 right now.
What You Need to Know: Social Security and Long-Term Disability Benefits
Long-term disability insurance can be a great safety net. But, what happens if you have long-term disability and you would also be qualified for Social Security disability benefits (SSDI)? Understanding how these benefits work together can help with your planning while you’re healthy and working, and ease the path toward securing payments if you become disabled.
Does Long-Term Disability Insurance Disqualify You for SSDI?
Many people are concerned that long-term disability will make them ineligible for SSDI or reduce the amount of benefits available. Social Security disability is not need-based, which means most other income has no impact on eligibility. The main exception is income earned from work, since that income may demonstrate that you’re still able to participate in substantial gainful activity.
Private long-term disability benefits will not impact SSDI eligibility or the amount of benefits received. However, certain other types of disability benefits may affect SSDI. For example, if you are receiving long-term disability through workers’ compensation, you may still qualify for Social Security disability. However, there is a cap on the combined amount of benefits you may receive. So, your SSDI payments may be reduced.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is different. SSI is need-based, and the income cut-off is low. In 2023, it’s just $934/month. So, depending on the amount, long-term disability could disqualify a disabled person from receiving SSI benefits. In fact, many SSDI applicants are disqualified from SSI based on their SSDI income.
Does SSDI Affect Long-Term Disability Benefits?
The short answer is that it depends on your policy. Typically, a long-term disability insurance carrier will require beneficiaries who are qualified for Social Security disability to apply for those benefits. In that case, failing to apply for SSDI could mean losing long-term disability benefits. If you are receiving or have become eligible for private long-term disability benefits, make sure you know whether your policy requires you to apply for SSDI and what the time limit is.
Many policies provide that benefits will be reduced by the amount of SSDI received. For example, if you are receiving $2,000/month in private long-term disability benefits and are approved for $800/month in SSDI, the long-term disability payments may drop to $1,200/month.
Talk to a Disability Benefits Advocate
At Disability Help Group, we know how daunting and confusing coordinating disability benefits can be. We’re here to help make sure you receive all of the benefits you’re entitled to, and get them as quickly as possible. To learn more about how we can help, contact or call us (800) 800-3332.