Types of SS Disability

A Top Ten Disability Group in the U.S.

Types of SS Disability

Many Americans need Social Security Disability benefits for all different reasons. Are you an individual faced with a challenging disability and you need help? Are you having trouble getting your SSD claim approved? You’re not alone.

The reasons to be denied are seemingly endless depending on the type of benefits you are applying for. Don’t hesitate to get assistance from The Disability Help Group for the following claims:

SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance)

To qualify for SSDI, you must have built up enough “work credits” and also meet the SSA’s definition of disability. (According to the Social Security Administration )

Your eligibility for SSDI benefits also may depend on your age, work history, medical history, and even the type of disability that you are dealing with.

Most importantly, getting approved for SSDI relies on the information presented in your application. Make sure your application is as complete as possible and includes clear details of how your impairment affects your life. Provide any/all documentation to support what you state.

Medicare is a health insurance program, usually (but not always) for the 65 and older group. It is paid for by taxes, along with monthly premiums deducted from their disability checks. The main benefits of having Medicare include basic medical insurance, hospital insurance, prescription drug coverage, and Medicare Advantage plans. If you have been receiving disability benefits for at least two years, you might automatically qualify for Medicare.

SSI (Supplemental Security Income)

SSI is calculated simply by comparing one’s income with their necessary expenses. The program was created to lighten the burden of health expenses for disabled people who have a low or nonexistent income. Your application must be submitted in person, however, some interviews can be done over the phone. In certain cases, children may also qualify.

Of course, in a Supplemental Security Income claim, you or your child’s impairments, income, and health expenses must be proven to the SSA.

If you need to apply for SSI, we want you to know that it is your right to have assistance in doing so. The Disability Help Group is happy to do this for you and can inform you of other rights you have when it comes to SSI (such as your right to appeal an unfavorable decision). Equally important, you also have certain responsibilities as a recipient of SSI benefits, such as reporting any change in your income or disability.

Medicaid is a health insurance program for lower incomes. The program provides health coverage to almost 9 million people that are not elderly but are disabled. The majority of states provide Medicaid to people that have already been approved for SSI, but this is not guaranteed as the rules vary per state.

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