Social Security Blog

Social Security Disability Isn’t Only What We Do, It’s ALL We Do

Can I Get SSD for My Bipolar Disorder? 

Can I Get SSD for My Bipolar Disorder? 

Can I Get SSD for My Bipolar Disorder?  Like most mental health issues, bipolar disorder may or may not qualify you for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits. The outcome of an SSD claim based on bipolar disorder will depend on the nature and severity of the...

SSD Benefits for Back Pain

SSD Benefits for Back Pain

SSD Benefits for Back Pain “Back pain” covers a broad spectrum, from the morning ache and stiffness many people experience with age to injury-related pain that makes it impossible to engage in normal daily activities. According to the Health Policy Institute at...

Securing SSD Benefits For Cancer

Securing SSD Benefits For Cancer

Securing SSD Benefits for Cancer The Social Security Blue Book includes numerous types of cancers as listed conditions. Each of the different type listed has its own specific criteria. But it’s also possible to receive SSD benefits for cancers that aren’t listed, or...

SSD Family Benefits

SSD Family Benefits

SSD Family Benefits You probably know that a U.S. worker who is medically unable to work may be eligible for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits. If a worker meets the SSA’s definition of “disabled” and has accumulated sufficient work credits, they may receive a...

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Can I Get Disability for Cerebral Palsy? 

Can I Get Disability for Cerebral Palsy?  The symptoms of cerebral palsy vary in type and severity. That means some people who suffer from cerebral palsy will qualify for Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits and some will not. This post provides general...

Do My Migraines Qualify Me for Disability Benefits?

Do My Migraines Qualify Me for Disability Benefits? If you suffer from migraines, you know how debilitating they can be. While people unfamiliar with migraines may think of them as “just a headache,” migraine sufferers may experience symptoms such as:  Severe,...

Does Hashimoto’s Disease Qualify for Disability Benefits? 

Does Hashimoto’s Disease Qualify for Disability Benefits?  Any medical condition that prevents a person from engaging in substantial gainful activity for at least a year can potentially qualify for Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits. Hashimoto’s disease...

Will Having Hepatitis C Qualify Me for Disability?

Will Having Hepatitis C Qualify Me for Disability?  Simply having a hepatitis C diagnosis won’t qualify you for Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits. However, some people do qualify for SSDI due to hepatitis C.  Whether or not you are eligible for SSDI for...