Resource Center

Social Security Disability Isn’t Only What We Do, It’s ALL We Do

resources for veterans and social security disability

We have compiled many different resources for you to explore on a wide variety of topics related to Social Security Disability and Veteran’s Disability Claims. Our goal is to provide you with all the information to successfully navigate the complicated waters of these types of claims. Please contact us today for assistance with any Social Security or Veteran’s Disability claim.

Informative Books On Social Security and Veteran’s Disability Claims

We have also written several books that will help you win your Veteran’s Disability or Social Security Disability claim. Click the links below for more information!

Free guide to winning your VA disability claim Free guide about secrets to disability benefits that Social Security won't tell you!
The Complete Guide to Winning
Your Veterans Disability Claim
Secrets Social Security Won’t Tell You

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Can I Get Disability for Cerebral Palsy? 

Can I Get Disability for Cerebral Palsy?  The symptoms of cerebral palsy vary in type and severity. That means some people who suffer from cerebral palsy will qualify for Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits and some will not. This post provides general...

Do My Migraines Qualify Me for Disability Benefits?

Do My Migraines Qualify Me for Disability Benefits? If you suffer from migraines, you know how debilitating they can be. While people unfamiliar with migraines may think of them as “just a headache,” migraine sufferers may experience symptoms such as:  Severe,...

Does Hashimoto’s Disease Qualify for Disability Benefits? 

Does Hashimoto’s Disease Qualify for Disability Benefits?  Any medical condition that prevents a person from engaging in substantial gainful activity for at least a year can potentially qualify for Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits. Hashimoto’s disease...

Will Having Hepatitis C Qualify Me for Disability?

Will Having Hepatitis C Qualify Me for Disability?  Simply having a hepatitis C diagnosis won’t qualify you for Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits. However, some people do qualify for SSDI due to hepatitis C.  Whether or not you are eligible for SSDI for...

How To Increase Your VA Disability Rating

How To Increase Your VA Disability Rating From 70% To 100% If you currently have a 70% VA disability rating, you may already understand how VA ratings work. A 100% VA disability rating is the maximum allowed by law and with some diligent work and, the help of a...

Benefits for Children of Vietnam Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange

Benefits for Children of Vietnam Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange The children of Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange often suffer serious disabling health conditions. Many infants born in the 1960s and 70s following the Vietnam and Korean Wars suffered birth...

Can I get 100% VA Disability for Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea can have a severe impact on your life. Call Now for a FREE CASE REVIEW to see if you are eligible for VA 100% disability rating.

What is the Criteria for 70% TBI Disability Rating?

What is the Criteria for 70% TBI Disability Rating? What is the Criteria for 70% TBI Disability Rating? After VA grants service connection for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI disability), VA must determine the correct rating percentage.  As a result, the rating percentage...

What Medical Conditions Are Considered Disabling?

What Medical Conditions Are Considered Disabling? If you suffer from a disability and live in the U.S. you may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits. For this to happen the Social Security Administration must deem your disability severe enough that you...

Can I get 100% VA Disability for Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea can have a severe impact on your life. Call Now for a FREE CASE REVIEW to see if you are eligible for VA 100% disability rating.

If Someone Getting SSD Dies, Can I Get Their Benefits?

If Someone Getting SSD Dies, Can I Get Their Benefits? Not exactly. Social Security disability benefits (SSD) are for the disabled worker, and those benefits terminate when the recipient passes away. But that doesn’t necessarily mean dependents are on their own. Here...

How Long Do I Have to Work to Qualify for SSD?

How Long Do I Have to Work to Qualify for SSD? When most people think of qualifying for Social Security Disability (SSD), they think about proving that their medical condition is severe enough that they are unable to earn a living. That is a necessary part of the...