Knee Disability: When to File for Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Disability Isn’t Only What We Do, It’s ALL We Do

When a knee disability makes walking or standing difficult or impossible, it may impact your ability to perform substantial gainful activity. Filing a disability claim for a knee condition may be difficult without knowledge of the steps necessary to prove that you are unable to work as a result of a knee disability. Luckily, you have the right to have a Fort Lauderdale Social Security disability representative help with your claim.

A Knee Disability Must Impair Your Ability to Walk

The Social Security Administration (SSA) defines a disabling knee condition as one that causes a functional loss resulting in the inability to ambulate effectively. This may happen for many reasons, such as loss of range of motion, inability to bear weight on the knee, or amputation of the lower leg.

Loss of function may result from a bone or knee joint deformity, neurological deficits, amputation, or soft tissue injuries. The cause of the knee disability is generally not taken into consideration when evaluating whether your condition is disabling.

Your ability to ambulate may be evaluated based on your ability to walk or perform fine or gross movements for a sustained period of time. Some examples of ineffective ambulation that may qualify as a knee disability include the inability to:

  • walk without an assistive device (cane, crutches, etc);
  • sustain a reasonable walking pace over a typical distance during regular daily activity;
  • travel without companion assistance;
  • use standard public transportation;
  • walk a block on a rough or uneven surface at a reasonable pace; and
  • climb a few steps without use of a hand rail.

When Knee Disability May Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits

There are many criteria the SSA uses to determine whether a knee disability qualifies a claimant as disabled. Three of the common types of knee disability are major dysfunction of a knee joint, reconstructive surgery or replacement of the knee joint, and amputation at the knee.

Evidence to support these conditions may be physical, such as proof of an assistive device like a prosthetic leg, walker, or cane. Medical records will help provide evidence of a seriously disabling knee condition and may include surgical reports, neurological testing, and pain management treatments.

If you believe you have a knee disability, start your claim with the help of a Fort Lauderdale Social Security disability representative. You may need to see a specialist for a proper diagnosis and prognosis report stating your condition has lasted or is expected to last for at least 12 months or result in death. Your representative can help you find the proper documentation for your disability claim that can help speed up the approval process and avoid delays or denials.

Talk to a Fort Lauderdale Social Security Disability representative about Your Knee Disability

We put a lot of weight on our knees every day, and when a knee disability makes walking or standing painful or impossible, you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits. With the help of a Fort Lauderdale Social Security disability representative, you may file a claim to seek the benefits to which you are entitled.

In an effort to improve services to our clients, we have developed the EZClaim state-of-the-art, customized intake and database system. This digital claims system means less hassle, so you can focus on what’s most important instead of spending your days wading through confusing legalese and legal red tape. When you’re ready to get started, contact the Disability Help Group to begin your claim. Call today — 1-(800)-800-3332.

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