How to Fill Out the SSA Function Report within the Timeline

A Top Ten Disability Group in the U.S.

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How to Fill Out the SSA Function Report within the Timeline

The Social Security disability (SSD) application process can be stressful, and that’s never more true than when you’re up against a tight timeline. If the Social Security Administration (SSA) asks you to complete a “function report,” you’ll typically have just 10 days to respond. That can be especially daunting because the form is 10 pages long.

The short timeline often inspires applicants to scramble, meaning they may do a cursory job of completing the form and leave out important information. You can’t afford to make that mistake. If you’re working with a disability benefits advocate, contact them immediately if the SSA asks you to complete a function report. 

What is the Social Security Function Report? 

A function report asks you for a wide range of information about your condition, treatment, and impact on day-to-day life, including: 

  • Information about your living situation
  • Information about how your condition limits your ability to work
  • Information about your typical daily activities
  • Information about other people or animals you care for and what help you receive
  • Information about changes in your abilities since you became ill or were injured
  • Information about how your condition affects your ability to perform certain personal care and maintenance activities like bathing and preparing meals
  • Information about activities outside the house and how you get around
  • Information about your basic physical abilities and mental tolerance
  • Information about equipment you use, such as a wheelchair or walker
  • Information about the medications you take and any side effects

The form also provides an opportunity for additional comments if you have information that wasn’t covered in a question. 

It’s very important to take full advantage of this opportunity to provide information to the SSA about how your life and ability to work and to care for yourself has been affected by your medical condition. Your answers could make the difference between having your SSD claim approved or having to go through a lengthy appeals process. 

Ideally, you will complete the form thoroughly within the time allotted. But, your SSD benefits advocate may tell you that it’s more important to complete the form thoroughly and provide complete information, even if that takes a few more days. Make sure to get the advice you need immediately after receiving the form. 

Disability Help Group is Here for You

The seasoned advocates at Disability Help Group are dedicated to helping people with disabilities get the benefits they deserve. Whether you are just applying for SSD or you are appealing a denial, call us today at 800-800-3332 to learn more about how we can help. Or, fill out the contact form on this page.

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How Can I Get TDIU?

Many veterans are unable to earn a living because of service-connected disabilities. Congress created a special benefit called TDIU to help these veterans live comfortably. Also known as Unemployability. TDIU pays the same monthly amount as a 100% disability rating.