Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Social Security Disability in 2024

A Top Ten Disability Group in the U.S.

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Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Social Security Disability in 2024

If you’re currently receiving Social Security disability benefits (SSD), you may have noticed that your January benefits were a bit higher than they were last year. That’s because the Social Security Administration (SSA) makes a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to disability benefits. These increases have been notable over the past couple of years–with inflation high, the increase in SSD benefits was high, too. 

In 2023, Social Security disability benefits increased by 8.7%. Now, with the rate of inflation significantly lower, the cost-of-living adjustment is smaller. Still, SSD recipients will see an increase in 2024, and the SSA will assess again at the end of the year to determine the COLA for 2025. 

How Much Will Disability Benefits Increase in 2024? 

In 2024, the COLA increase is 3.2%.

Exactly what that means in terms of dollars depends on the amount of your regular monthly benefit. For example, the maximum monthly SSD benefit will increase from $3,627.00 to $3,822–just shy of $200/month. In January of 2023, the average disabled worker receiving SSD benefits got $1,483.11/month. In 2024, that increases to $1,530.57.

Who Else Benefits from the SSA COLA? 

According to the SSA, about 71 million Americans will see an increase in benefits in 2024. That includes retirees, SSD recipients, those receiving survivors’ benefits, and SSI recipients. The percentage increase is the same across the board. The Veterans Administration (VA) also relies on the SSA cost-of-living calculation to adjust benefits. That means those receiving VA disability benefits will see the same increase. 

Your SSD Cost-of-Living Increase is Automatic

You don’t have to do anything to receive increased benefits. Both the SSA and the VA make the adjustments automatically for the new year. Knowing what to expect in the coming year can help SSD recipients and those who receive other benefits tied to the SSA’s COLA plan for the year ahead. 

Get Help With Social Security Disability Today

If you aren’t yet receiving SSD benefits and believe you may be qualified, your best next step is to talk to an experienced disability benefits advocate. Whether you are just considering applying for Social Security disability benefits or have already been denied, Disability Help Group is here for you.

Our experienced advocates know what type of information and documentation the SSA is looking for, and can help you build the strongest application or appeal possible. 

To learn more, (800) 800-3332 right now, or contact us here NOW!

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