Social Security Fairness Act
Social Security Fairness Act
Recent Updates To The Social Security Fairness Act:
January 5th, 2025: President Joe Biden has officially signed the Social Security Fairness Act into law, eliminating the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset.
December 23th, 2024: The U.S. Senate passed the Social Security Fairness Act, sending it to President Joe Biden for final approval.
December 18th, 2024: The Senate voted to move forward with a final vote on the Social Security Fairness Act before the end of the year.
“For too many years, vital public sector employees like teachers, postal workers, police and firefighters have been denied full access to the money they paid into the Social Security Administration. We here at Disability Help Group are pleased to see that after forty years of lobbying, the Social Security Fairness Act will correct these inequities. The fact that the Social Security Fairness Act passed with overwhelming bipartisan support reaffirms the fact that the federal government and the American people are committed to making Social Security as strong as it can be for the retired and the disabled populations who rely on these benefits. In the upcoming months, Disability Help Group is planning outreach campaigns to educate public sector employees and their unions about the additional benefits that may be available with the law’s passage. We expect nearly three million Americans may be positively impacted. The Senate is pushing for a vote on a bill that could expand Social Security benefits for millions of people.”
– Matt Sauerwald, President, Disability Help Group
What is the Social Security Fairness Act?
You can read more about the act HERE.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. said he will start the process for a final vote on the Social Security Fairness Act for a potential passage in the final days of the Biden administration.
How can I get more information on the Social Security Fairness Act?
While this could move quickly in the lame duck session, News organizations have been following it closely. You can read more about it from supporters and critics of the bill.
Matthew Sauerwald, President, Disability Help Group makes sense of the legislation and gives you exactly what you need to know in under three minutes. Watch the video here: