Can I Get Disability for Being Blind?
Like most medical conditions, blindness or loss of vision may or may not qualify a person for Social Security disability (SSD). The Social Security Blue Book contains multiple listings relating to visual impairment, and people who are otherwise eligible and meet one of those listings will generally qualify for SSD benefits. Those who don’t meet the listings may still qualify, depending on a broader analysis.
Blue Book Listings for Blindness and Visual Impairment
You may qualify for SSD for blindness based on listing criteria if:
- You are statutorily blind, meaning that the vision in your better eye is 20/200 or worse after correction, or
- The field of vision in your better eye is contracted to 20 degrees or less
An SSD applicant who is statutorily blind has a higher earning threshold than other applicants. While most people will be disqualified from receiving SSD if they are able to earn at least $1,620/month, the cap for a statutorily blind applicant is $2,700/month.
The type of testing required to establish visual impairment depends on the type of impairment. For example, visual acuity is measured using the Snellen methodology or similar testing. Testing is conducted with corrective lenses. The Social Security Administration (SSA) will make adaptations to adjust to testing considered sufficiently comparable. For instance, if your vision has been measured at a distance of 10 feet, the SSA will convert that measurement to the 20 foot standard.
SSD for Visual Impairment Outside the Blue Book Listings
Meeting or equalling a Blue Book listing can be the simplest way to qualify for SSD benefits, but it isn’t the only one. If you are visually impaired and your visual impairment compromises your ability to earn a living, you may still be eligible for SSD. If you don’t meet a listing, the SSA will consider your ability to engage in substantial gainful activity (SGA) based on your residual functional capacity and a grid system that takes into account your age, educational level, past work experience and transferable skills.
Get Help with Your SSD Application for Blindness
Most SSD applications are initially denied, but you can improve your chances of approval by ensuring that your application is complete, accurate, and accompanied by the evidence the SSA will be looking for. At Disability Help Group, we have extensive experience with SSD applications and appeals and can help ensure that you submit the strongest claim possible. To learn more, call 800-800-3332 right now, or fill out our contact form here.
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